Opening Hours:-
Opening hours are -
Tuesday to Thursday 10.00am until 3.30pm Saturday by appointment.
*shop closed on bank holiday saturdays, please check news for any additional changes*
*We are currently running reduced hours due to the coronovius, please read the news page to find out more*
We stock a wide range of fabrics in store
Dress fabrics
Woolens Worsted
Patterned fabrics
Stretch fabrics
Scroll down to see all fabrics currently in store
Dress Fabrics
If we do not stock what you require, you can choose from a range of sample books, browsing at leisure with help and advice when required.
All fabric is competitively priced.
Craft Fabrics
We stock a comprehensive range of craft fabrics ideal for patchwork and quilting, bags, applique etc.
Upholstery & interior fabrics
Should you need some new curtains, or time to update the upholstery on your armchair, at North Bar Fabrics we can help with curtain and upholstery fabrics to order from our sample books and hangers.