Opening Hours:-
Opening hours are -
Tuesday to Thursday 10.00am until 3.30pm Saturday by appointment.
*shop closed on bank holiday saturdays, please check news for any additional changes*
*We are currently running reduced hours due to the coronovius, please read the news page to find out more*
Clothing Alterations
Love Your Look
We offer clothing alterations and a made to measure service?
Trousers - shorten/lengthen, waist alterations
Skirts - shorten/lengthen, waist alterations
Dresses - shorten/lengthen, waist alterations
Jackets - shorten sleeves
Coats - shorten length
Zips - sewing in new zips
Replace buttons
We've all had the experience of buying a new item of clothing that you love but doesn't fit quite right. That doesn't mean that you can't wear it.
Please get in touch if you are looking for a dressmaking or clothing alterations service